Encomienda de Cervera

Encomienda deCervera 賽維拉火山酒莊

來自西班牙伊比利本島唯一的火山土酒莊,建於 1758 年左右,擁有 45 公頃的 葡萄園和 100 公頃的橄欖樹,位於 Campo de Calatrava 火山地塊的中心地帶,海拔 750 至 850 米,位於著名的文化城市阿爾馬格羅(Almagro) ,黑色的火山土、紅色的土地 (紅色的赭石,據一些歷史學家稱 Almagro 鎮的名稱來源於此),以及白堊、石質泥土都在於此。由於上次的火山噴發時間為 2000 多年前,基本上土壤狀態相較活火山來了穩定許多,對於安定葡萄酒的味道、狀 態、口感也相對有幫助。許多火山酒款偏水、偏薄,也有可能是來自不穩定地質下的結果。 

1758 年酒莊成立,葡萄園位於西班牙中部 Hoya de Cervera 火山口,海拔 850 公 尺高,火山黑土、黏土、礫石等耕種地質,傳統水泥槽乳酸發酵,獲獎無數, 將 Almagro 火山特質展露無遺。賽維拉火山酒莊為每種葡萄品種的生長周期選 擇了最佳的坡度和高度。經過詳盡的土壤調查,最適合每個品種的土壤是富含 泥質鈣質和石質土壤的火山岩。


該火山公園於 1993 年被指定為國家公園與國家共同保育地,形成山地地形具 有獨特的微氣候。酒莊的歷史可追溯至 19 世紀,經過修復,擴建並配備了現 代化的發酵系統,強調尊重自然、尊重葡萄的特色,並將其發揮,從席拉、天 帕尼優一直到小維多品種。由於地質特殊、環境特殊,且富含歷史故事,該產 區正在西班牙特有酒莊 PAGO 的認證申請當中,該認證需要五年的時間,而目前預計再兩年的時間便可以取得,並且以自己酒莊名稱:Encomienda de Cervera 成立單一法定產區。 

我熱愛他們對單品種的執著與自信,例如混合一半澳洲 Shiraz 與歐洲傳統 Syrah,誰想得到這種特別的釀造方式呢?酒莊 100% 席拉 Ana Noa 中火山酒款做到了!最令人訝異的是它完完整整地保留了席拉在澳洲的甜美水果香氣與 舊世界的辛香料、皮革、動物氣息。100%小維多(Petit Verdot)也是該酒莊 最老的品種與葡萄園,單一園採收與釀造,挑戰難度最高、單寧最重、辛香 料、肉豆蔻、植蔬味明顯的品種 Petit Verdot,該酒莊仍然使用古法混凝土罐進 行發酵,建造於 1927 年,也是西班牙少數可以維持傳統大型水泥槽釀造方式的酒莊(另外一個為知名的 Vega Sicilia),釀酒師將酒精發酵過後的葡萄酒注 入水泥槽中進行乳酸發酵,也正因為如此可以保留火山葡萄酒中的礦物、奶香 以及最原始的圓潤水果香氣。

About us

Encomienda De Cervera

In the heart of the Volcanic Massif of Campo de Calatrava at an altitude between 750 and 850 meters above sea level, in the term of the noble and cultural city of Almagro, delimited by the Sierra de Arzollar, the Cañada Real Soriana, between valleys and mountains with a high density of holm oaks and junipers, rosemary, thyme, etc., is the Finca Encomienda de Cervera, where you can distinguish the black lands of volcanic origin, the red ones (Almagre) that, according to some historians, give the name of the city of Almagro, and the limestone and rocky areas.

All this, under the watchful eye of the Maar de la Hoya de Cervera Volcano, declared a Natural Monument in 1999, the calm waters of one of the main tributaries of the Guadiana River, the Jabalón River.

The rugged orography, which configures its three rain basins, offers a peculiar microclimate, with cool nights that compensates for the daytime sunshine.

Three centuries of history

Encomienda De Cervera

Encomienda de Cervera has its origin in an estate owned by the Counts of Valdeparaiso, to which King Felipe V granted the title of Encomienda in 1741, and the right to close it. These concessions and privileges were ratified by King Ferdinand VI in 1748, and again by King Carlos III in 1758.

The 950-hectares property, located in the municipality of Almagro, on the banks of the Jabalón River, consists of three valleys surrounded by the volcanic massif of "Campo de Calatrava", made up of several Strombolian volcanoes including the Maar de Cervera, classified as a national monument since 1999.

There is evidence that, in 1741, the Estate had a Residential House, an olive grove made up of 300 olive trees as well as a vineyard of over 23.000 vines. In 1887, the olive grove had 1.775 olive trees as well as a mill with a press to make olive oil, and since 1927, the estate also has a cellar for winemaking.

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Collection by Burgozone Thomas Single Vineyard Gamza 2022

Valserrano Graciano 2019

1758 Selección Crianza en Gruta Volcánica 2019

Maar de Cervera Graciano 2019

Valserrano Mazuelo 2019

1903 Coma de Cases 2020

1902 Tossal d'en Bou 2021

Poboleda Vi de Vila 2022

Senora Carmen 2021

Cent X Cent Garnatxa Negra 2021

1903 Centenary Grenache 2017

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2016 Reserva Familiar


EdC 4T4 Tempranillos 2019

R - Evolution INDIGENA 2021

Microcuvée -MAS IRENE 2019

Finca Estarijo 2016

QS1 - Quinta Sardonia 2019

QS2 - Quinta Sardonia 2017

Corral de la Parellada 2019

Cab.Franc 2021

Marselan 2020

Concept 2016

Tellus Amfora 2020

Tammus Amfora 2019

Vinarte Prince Mircea Fetească Neagră 2020/2021

Vinarte Prince Mircea Negru de Drăgășani 2020

Vinarte Nedeea Red 2019

Terraprima Red 2022

Heraclio Alfaro 2018

Sardón 2019

Val de La Osa Mencia 2017

Magnum Val de La Loba 2016

Ay De Mi Magnum 2015 / 2016

Terrer Singular Amphore Red 2020

Endogen Red Samsó 2020

Endogen Red Sumoll 2020

Microcuvee Marta de Balta 2018

Syrah 100% no added sulfie 2021/2023

Pittacum 2019

Sweet Solera dolç 2010

Mataro 2018 / 2019

Sang de Drac 2015 / 2016

Ananoa 2019

Horten 2021

Horten Blends 2020

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2010

Dulcinea del Maar 2017/2019

Syrah de la Muntanya 2015

Pur 2020

Plus 2018

Blau 2021

Lo Moreno 2018

Lo Morenillo 2017 / 2018

La Fina 2018

Ay De Mi 2015

Martin Joven 2022

Martin Barrica 2020 / 2022

Sumoll 2018

Caus Lubis 2001

Gran Caus Negre 2015

Dominio Romano Camino 2018

Dominio Romano 2015/2016

Dominio Romano RDR 2017

Valserrano Reserva 2016/2018

Valserrano Crianza 2018

Valserrano Gran Reserva 2016

Valserrano Monteviejo 2017/2018

Les Crestes 2021

Salanques 2020

Doix 2017

1902 Centenary Carignan 2017

Falcata Red 2022

Falcata Arenal 2018 / 2019

Falcata Casa Gran 2020

Hisenda Miret 2019

Vernatxa Negra 2020

Collection by Burgozone Tamyanka Single Vineyard 2023

Valserrano Blanco Gran Reserva 2017

Azimut Blanc 2023

Pazo Señorans Selección de Añada Albariño 2013

Pazo Señorans Colección Albariño 2019

Ariyanas Naturalmente Dulce 2022

Ariyanas Seco Sobre Lías Finas 2022

PiXel Blanco 2022

Sauvignon Blanc 2022

Viognier 2022

Lavastrada Solera

Finca La Novena 2021

R - Evolution ESPÍGOL 2023

Malvasia 2021/2022

Sirena Dunarii 2013

Vinarte Castel Bolovanu 2021

Corral de les Pedreres 2019

Corral d’en Busquets 2020

Tamyanka 2022

Idea 2019

Vinarte Castel Starmina Tamaioasa 2022

Vinarte Nedeea Alba 2022

Terrer Singular Amphore White 2021

Endogen White Xarel.lo 2020 / 2021

Mà de Mas Perdut Origin 2021

Calcari 2021

Satel.lit 2019

Amphora Gris 2021

La Mar 2018

Abadía de San Campio 2023

Terras Gauda 2021

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019 / 2021

Amfora Cal Ron 2019 / 2020

White Wine Suriol Els Bancals 2018 / 2021

Donzella 2021

4W4 Blancos 2021

Mar 2019 / 2021

Malvasia de Sitges 2016

Marko 2020

Cent x Cent 2018

Te La Dedico 2020

Martin Verdejo 2021

El Rocallis 2011

La Calma 2017

Terraprima White 2022

Valserrano Viura 2021

Salix 2020/2022

Murmuri 2021/2022

Falcata White 2022


Amphora Roja 2019 / 2021

Azimut Brisat 2023

Gea Amfora 2020

Amphora Brisat 2019 / 2021

Can Peritxó 2021

La Blanca 2018 / 2019

ORANGE "aShut" 2020

Vulcanus Frizzante 2023

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec 2022

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature 2018

Cava Blanca Cusiné 2013

Rosa Cusiné 2017

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2014 / 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Sidra Extra Avalon

Vulcanus Frizzante 2023

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec 2022

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature 2018

Cava Blanca Cusiné 2013

Rosa Cusiné 2017

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2014 / 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Sidra Extra Avalon

Alma Vermut

Pedro Ximénez PX




Brandy Solera Gran Reserva Juan Sebastian Elcano

Amerigo Vespucci Brandy

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