Mas Oller

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Mas Oller 歐耶酒莊


Empordà 產區是一個具有歷史的傳奇性葡萄酒產區,早在西元前六百年,希臘人便將葡萄種植技術帶入此處,Emporà 產區位於西班牙東北部加太羅尼亞省的地中海沿岸,Mas Oller歐耶家族的酒莊正位於此產區,歐耶酒莊確切的位置在 Torrent,此處可望見知名的 Pals 牆與美麗的 Medes 島,酒莊在尊重自然的前提下,用最簡單的方式釀出高品質的酒,傳統中求創新與簡單,希望能讓消費者瞭解這份不願經過大量廣告而將所有精力放在釀酒事業上的用心,Mas Oller 歐耶酒莊在競爭激烈的各項世界葡萄酒競賽中獲獎無數,脫穎而出,目前也被西班牙政府評比是 DO Empordà 產區最尊重風土與家族傳統的代表性酒莊,更榮獲日本全日空 ANA 商務艙指定用酒。



Carlos Esteva 是西班牙開始引領有機耕種的先驅


莊主 Carlos Esteva 是上個世紀西班牙酒界的靈魂人物,率先引進有機耕種,積極致力於原生品種的保存,也熱愛藝術文物與建築。酒莊內所有的建築都源自於數百年前的遺留,從前天主教徒在進行長距離健行時,總會提供酒莊做為給這些步行者休憩的場所,酒莊裡頭的每個酒落都充滿著靈魂與這些過路客的蹤跡,更別說每一款精釀酒的人情味了。

歐耶酒莊所在地於希臘時代就有葡萄耕種的遺跡,歷史學家發現了來自西元前 600 年的耕種活動,這裏地勢特別,有高有低、有山有海,加上北邊 Mistral 冷風長期從北邊吹拂,讓葡萄園常保通風、乾爽,提升了酒體的紮實、架構與飽滿度。海洋般吹拂的臉龐,清爽、新鮮、清脆還帶有淡淡的海味,就是這裡的風格!白酒、粉紅酒到紅酒,這裏酒款選擇很少,但每一款都是原生種極致的呈現,Picapol, Malvasia, Syrah, etc...



The Empordà is a legendary wine region where the Greeks were the first to introduce vineyards and wine around the year 600BC. Mas Oller is a historic estate located in the town of Torrent, in the province of the “Petit Empordà”, with views of the Medas Islands and the medieval walls of Pals, with the land distributed around the 17th Century farmhouse. In the 1950’s all of the old vines and olive trees were replaced with cereal and livestock. Today, the only part of the original, working traditions that still remain are the old cork oak trees that are used for the prestigious cork industry in the region. Since the 1970’s the farmhouse and the land belongs to the Esteva family. In the year 2000, Carlos Esteva – owner of the prestigious winery Can Ràfols dels Caus – decided to save the estate from its ruins, rebuilding the farmhouse with care and placing the winery in what used to be the old cowshed. He replanted the vines in what used to be the best vineyard in Pals with a desire to produce new, good quality wines using the Empordà winemaking traditions as a base, but innovating in many ways – from the vineyard to the winery. The wines from the first harvests, made from young vines, were sold in the region. Now, the vines have reached an age where the grapes that they produce have the amount of concentration that Carlos was looking for. Today, nearly 400 years after it was built, Mas Oller has been converted into a reference winery in the D.O. Empordà with wines that are made with a philosophy that leads towards singularity and the expression of where they are made.


Mas Oller is located in an area that combines sea and mountain, very marked by the presence of wind, and the north where a diversity of soils are combined: clay, sand and slate. Conceptually and geographically, the project of Mas Oller connects northern Catalonia, Empordà and Roussillon with the wines being as expressive as they are fresh. Currently, Mas Oller has 17 hectares of vineyard in production.

The three red varieties are Grenache, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon and two white varieties are Picapoll and Malvasia de Sitges. The vineyards are located around the house and the grapes are selected in the vineyard before being harvested and transported to the winery in small boxes, where it undergoes a second manual selection. All of the wines have a cold pre-fermentation period to obtain maximum expression of aroma and color.

Our philosophy is based on the recovery of the winemaking tradition of Empordà with a modern interpretation of the concept of wine.
    The team is made up of Carlos Esteva, owner winemaker; Martin Cuervo y Marta Arenas , head of the vineyard and the winery; Elena Moreno, Wine Experiences; Alexandra Manovel, export; Astrid Caritg, sommelier and sales.

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Valserrano Mazuelo 2019

1903 Coma de Cases 2020

1902 Tossal d'en Bou 2021

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Senora Carmen 2021

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1903 Centenary Grenache 2017

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2016 Reserva Familiar


EdC 4T4 Tempranillos 2019

R - Evolution INDIGENA 2020

Microcuvée -MAS IRENE 2018

Finca Estarijo 2016

QS1 - Quinta Sardonia 2019

QS2 - Quinta Sardonia 2017

Corral de la Parellada 2019

Cab.Franc 2021

Marselan 2020

Concept 2016

Tellus Amfora 2020

Tammus Amfora 2019

Vinarte Prince Mircea Fetească Neagră 2020/2021

Vinarte Prince Mircea Negru de Drăgășani 2020

Vinarte Nedeea Red 2019

Terraprima Red 2022

Heraclio Alfaro 2018

Sardón 2019

Val de La Osa Mencia 2017

Magnum Val de La Loba 2016

Ay De Mi Magnum 2015 / 2016

Terrer Singular Amphore Red 2020

Endogen Red Samsó 2020

Endogen Red Sumoll 2020

Microcuvee Marta de Balta 2017

Syrah 100% no added sulfie 2021/2023

Pittacum 2019

Sweet Solera dolç 2010

Mataro 2018 / 2019

Sang de Drac 2015 / 2016

Ananoa 2019

Horten 2021

Horten Blends 2020

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2010

Dulcinea del Maar 2017/2019

Syrah de la Muntanya 2015

Pur 2020

Plus 2018

Blau 2021

Lo Moreno 2018

Lo Morenillo 2017 / 2018

La Fina 2018

Ay De Mi 2015

Martin Joven 2022

Martin Barrica 2020 / 2022

Sumoll 2018

Caus Lubis 2001

Gran Caus Negre 2015

Dominio Romano Camino 2018

Dominio Romano 2015/2016

Dominio Romano RDR 2017

Valserrano Reserva 2016/2018

Valserrano Crianza 2018

Valserrano Gran Reserva 2016

Valserrano Monteviejo 2017/2018

Les Crestes 2021

Salanques 2020

Doix 2017

1902 Centenary Carignan 2017

Falcata Red 2022

Falcata Arenal 2018 / 2019

Falcata Casa Gran 2020

Hisenda Miret 2019

Vernatxa Negra 2020

Valserrano Blanco Gran Reserva 2017

Azimut Blanc 2023

Pazo Señorans Selección de Añada Albariño 2013

Pazo Señorans Colección Albariño 2019

Ariyanas Naturalmente Dulce 2022

Ariyanas Seco Sobre Lías Finas 2022

PiXel Blanco 2022

Sauvignon Blanc 2022

Viognier 2022

Lavastrada Solera

Finca La Novena 2021

R - Evolution ESPÍGOL 2022

Malvasia 2021/2022

Sirena Dunarii 2013

Vinarte Castel Bolovanu 2021

Corral de les Pedreres 2019

Corral d’en Busquets 2020

Tamyanka 2022

Idea 2019

Vinarte Castel Starmina Tamaioasa 2022

Vinarte Nedeea Alba 2022

Terrer Singular Amphore White 2021

Endogen White Xarel.lo 2020 / 2021

Mà de Mas Perdut Origin 2021

Calcari 2021

Satel.lit 2019

Amphora Gris 2021

La Mar 2018

Abadía de San Campio 2021

Terras Gauda 2021

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019 / 2021

Amfora Cal Ron 2019 / 2020

White Wine Suriol Els Bancals 2018 / 2021

Donzella 2021

4W4 Blancos 2021

Mar 2019 / 2021

Malvasia de Sitges 2016

Marko 2020

Cent x Cent 2018

Te La Dedico 2020

Martin Verdejo 2021

El Rocallis 2011

La Calma 2017

Terraprima White 2022

Valserrano Viura 2021

Salix 2020/2022

Murmuri 2021/2022

Falcata White 2022


Amphora Roja 2019 / 2021

Azimut Brisat 2023

Gea Amfora 2020

Amphora Brisat 2019 / 2021

Can Peritxó 2021

La Blanca 2018 / 2019

ORANGE "aShut" 2020

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec 2022

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature 2018

Cava Blanca Cusiné 2013

Rosa Cusiné 2017

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2014 / 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Sidra Extra Avalon

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec 2022

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature 2018

Cava Blanca Cusiné 2013

Rosa Cusiné 2017

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2014 / 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Sidra Extra Avalon

Alma Vermut

Pedro Ximénez PX




Brandy Solera Gran Reserva Juan Sebastian Elcano

Amerigo Vespucci Brandy

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